A Call To Arms

It seems appropriate to begin the posting history of Renegade Psychology with a few words on anonymity. This site was created to provide an advocate's voice for the Applied Psychology fields.  For far too long, the practitioners of Applied Psychology have stood timidly by, watching and waiting until organizations called us in to fix their mistakes so they could avoid getting into (additional) legal trouble.  Renegade Psychology is a fist slamming down on the table to say, "No more."

TheAppliedPsychologist persona should not be viewed as the voice of a single individual.  TheAppliedPsychologist is an amalgam of all the Renegades who have contributed to the cause.  The thoughts published under this persona will attempt to hew to the standards set across the rest of the site -- in other words, there will be humor, anger, and passion behind them.  However, because the character is shared, TheAppliedPsychologist's tone may vary considerably.  Eventually, other voices and personae will join this one.

TheAppliedPsychologist will be honest.  If you are a practitioner, TheAppliedPsychologist will try to help you. If you aren't a trained practitioner, TheAppliedPsychologist will still try to show you what you have to do to get the job done.

If you are in a position to hire consultants, TheAppliedPsychologist will utter the raw truths that your consultants are either too polite or too afraid to share. TheAppliedPsychologist will not spare your feelings or soothe your egos.

As a consequence, Renegade Psychology encourages those who share their stories from the field to remain anonymous.  The Renegades do not wish to contribute to anyone getting sanctioned or terminated for the things they write.  However, anyone who has the guts (or immunity/protection) to contribute to the site using their real identity is encouraged to do so.

Finally, we are issuing a call to all the other Renegades out there who want to be a part of making everyone's jobs easier.  We believe that the fields within Applied Psychology, Human Resources, Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Human Capital, Management Consulting, and Organizational Consulting are the world's fields.  We play an integral role in making companies more efficient, improving jobs, improving workplaces, saving organizations from themselves, eliminating corporate dysfunction, creating better work environments, and by extension making the world a better place to live in.  If you share the same causes, we invite you to join us.